Dental Crown Mexico – Five Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Crowns

If you consider getting a dental crown in Mexico, you may have some questions about this procedure: these are six important pieces of information that may help during your inquiry. 

Is very well known that Mexico is a great country for dental tourism, as medical attention is excellent, more humane and much less expensive than in the United States.  If you require a dental crown in Mexico, you will save up to 50%.  A zirconia crown in the U.S. cost around $800 USD, Dr. García, your Cabo dentist (enlace al website: precios), charges around $400 USD (depending on exchange rate).

dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap that replaces your normal tooth on the gum. You may need a crown to support a weak tooth or make your tooth look better.  The dentist will consider a dental crown necessary when your tooth is damaged or after another dental intervention, as you’ll read later on this article.

At the first visit he dentist will:

  1. Numb the adjoining teeth and the gum area around the tooth where the crown will be placed so that you feel nothing.
  2. Remove all old and damaged restorations or tooth decay.
  3. Reshape your teeth to prepare them for a crown.
  4. Take an impression of your teeth to send to the dental lab where the permanent crown will be made.
  5. Shape and fit your teeth with a temporary crown.

At the second visit, the dentist will:

  1. Remove the temporal crown.
  2. Adjust your permanent crown.
  3. Cement the crown in place.

A patient needs a crown when the tooth has been compromised with:

  • A big cavity
  • A root canal
  • A large filling that takes up more than 3/4 the size of a tooth.

If it hurts when you bite down, your tooth may be cracked. This condition does usually require a crown. Unlike a broken bone, the fracture in a cracked tooth will not heal. Vertical cracks that travel to the gumline may require a full-coverage crown.

  • Metal-porcelain crowns. Theyare made of metal (inner part) and porcelain coated (outer part). They are usually placed on back teeth, to prevent the metal from being seen through the gums. Their main advantage is that they are very resistant.
  • Zirconia crowns. They are resistant, light and aesthetic, since they are translucent and reflect light in the same way as a natural tooth. It is an excellent option for those patients who may develop allergies or adverse reactions.
  • Metal crowns. They are made of gold, palladium, nickel or chrome. Although they are long-lasting, nowadays they are not widely used.
  • Porcelain crowns. They are used to restore the aesthetics of the anterior teeth. And this is the one that provides the best combination of natural colors. However, they are more fragile than metal-porcelain or zirconia, for example.

Depending on the material of your crown your dentist will take the best measures in order to take care of the aesthetics of your teeth.

  • Metal-porcelain crowns are usually placed in a way that prevent the metal to be seen through the gum.
  • Zirconia crowns are  very light and aesthetic as they reflect light in the same way as a natural tooth
  • Porcelain crowns have a very natural look and provide the best array of colors.
