Cabo San Lucas Coronavirus Guidelines

The Covid-19 (SarsCov-2) pandemic has affected greatly our lives in every aspect, including economy. Tourism is an industry that has been specially affected as it depends on the mobility of people, and as we all know, restrictive measures have been taken around the world in order to protect our lives. We acknowledge the nature of the Coronavirus Crisis and how important is for a tourist destination as Los Cabos to keep information available to the public on a clear and fluid manner, so we share with you some important points that Los Cabos Tourism Board consider must be taken into account if you are visiting our beautiful destination. As they have stated, “It is important to take a proactive step to communicate to the travel trade industry all safety measures that are being implemented by the destination to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the community.”

  • Created health and safety guidelines consistent with health authorities.
  • Developed a layered approach that reinforce hygiene cleaning, traveler physical distancing, and the use of personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Implemented standardized health screening practical at the airport and port.
  • Partnered with travel providers to obtain a “Clean point” certification offered by the Mexico federal government to strictly adhere to hygiene protocols.
  • Enforced a flexible reservation policy for travelers.
  • Streamlined the communication protocols between hotel, and local authorities.
  • Implementation of health screenings
  • Strict implementation of social distancing
  • Increased sanitization and routine cleaning
  • Personal dedicated to respond to all covid-19 related questions

These are some key messages, that according to Los Cabos Tourism Board must be addressed to everyone considering to visit us:

  • The Los Cabos Tourism Board continues to monitor the situation and communicate guidance offered by the Mexican authorities. Travel information related to the coronavirus is being shared on our digital channels.
  • Los Cabos is currently open to travelers and tourism activities.
  • The government of the state of Baja California Sur announced a new color-coded classification to be given to local establishments, such as hotels, restaurants, tour operators, and convention centers, to name a few, that determine the level of safety they can offer and whether or not they are able to open to the public. As of January 5th, 2020, Los Cabos is categorized in stage 3, which allows for and requires:
    • Non-essential activity to be reopened and conducted
      • Businesses to maintain occupancy at a rate of 1 person per 10 feet
      • Recreational and social activities to operate at a 50% capacity
  • Tourism is the heartbeat of Los Cabos. 90% of our population depends on this industry and we are committed to effectively communicate the latest updates on the virus in the destination.
  • The health and safety of our visitors is our top priority and special health and safety protocols have been implemented across the destination by the airport, hotels, establishments and providers.
  • The U.S. government announced the temporary closing of the U.S. and Mexico border to nonessential travel in response to the global impact of COVID-19. Also, given the cancellations announced by all main cruise lines internationally, the Cruise Port in Los Cabos is not welcoming any cruises at this time.